Another “Janis ECO B&C” operation activities is renovation of windmills and construction of windmill wings. This time I will tell you about one windmill renovation which was ended this week. The windmill is located in a southern Sweden, village Åby. The windmill type is the earliest European windmill with a name as post mill. This mean that the windmill is turning a round own big oak pole.
In the renovation project includes: - the windmill wing axle repair - the windmill wings repair - the windmill another details repair - the windmill support structure repair - the windmill setting up all connections - the windmill special soiling
A work was done to using a oak material as original. The windmills axle part where the wings go through was damaged and was replaced with a new oak blocks. The wings was also damaged in a place where they sitting in a axle and repaired. Was repaired a drive gear and gears teeth, strengthen a windmill tail and make a windmill foot rain protection. As soil was used special mix of a sheep fat and beeswax. The project was started 19th of march and the windmills wings was set up 13th of may. Project manager was Sten Nilsson and us joined to help a carpenter from Denmark Magnus Frimer-Larsen.
